Online Golf
Coaching Program
I’ve found that self motivated, dedicated and coachable students can make great progress with online coaching. My program costs $425+HST and you will receive;
- One personalized practice plan delivered through video with demonstrations and description of what to practice, and how to practice it. The video will be uploaded to a private CoachNow training space created for you and I.
- 3 months of support through CoachNow where you can ask questions and submit video of your practice for feedback

How does an Online Golf Coaching Program Work?
1. First, we will book a short zoom call to discuss which aspect of your game the program should focus on. Great programs start first with clear, realistic and measurable goals.
2. Once we have decided on the goals of the program, you will be asked to submit video of your technique from multiple angles along with some commentary on the general miss patterns of your shots.
3. Once I have the videos and commentary that I need, I will create a practice plan for you. This will be in video form and posted to a private CoachNow space I will create for you and I.
4. Once my video is uploaded to CoachNow, the 3 months of support through coachnow begins. In this time you are able to ask questions about your technique, submit videos of practice for feedback, and I will monitor your progress and make adjustments to your program if appropriate.

Here’s why you should start an Online Coaching Program!
1. It is great for out-of-town clients who are unable to see me in-person!
2. You can get analysis and ask questions at any time throughout your program!
3. the cost of 3 months of coaching is considerably lower than 3 months of weekly private lessons!
If you would like to start an online coaching program, click the button below!
Contact JakeI started with Jake this past offseason. He quickly diagnosed some key challenges in the swing. We agreed accuracy with the driver was the key to lower scores for me. We got to work on shallowing out the club. Drill after drill, hour after hour…slowly the swing started to change.
Not only did we practice but used mini competitions to up the engagement and add some pressure to the skills building component. I continue to work with Jake every two or three weeks (he expects practice sessions in between and will help you develop that plan as well). I have plenty of work to do as the journey is far form over. With that said, the fairways get more work than they used to. Friends have noticed and have commented on the improvement in my game. The index is down from 11.5 to 8.5 as of today.
The work is paying off.
– Michael Densham